Friday, December 16, 2011

More Wedding Photos

Josh and I are headed to LA tonight. Surprised? :) But before we go, here are a handful of my favorite pictures from the wedding.

Our cousins who made the trek from Louisiana. 

My mom looked stunning. See a resemblance?
 Right before she walked down the aisle. Calm as a cucumber.

 One of my favorites. These two are Blane's parents and without them this wedding would not have been possible. 
I love the joy on their faces!
 While Blane was doing this...
 The boys in the youth group were doing this. :p
Determined to get the job done right. :)

The couple during the waxing story of my speech. 
 I love this picture. See the server? She took care of Blane and Aimee all night. Checking on them, reheating their soup, and making sure Blane's plate had french fries on it. Because of her the reception went that much smoother. 
 Joy, a deep deep joy.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

This server's name was Leti! :) We heart Leti.