Monday, December 19, 2011

Worth it's Weight in Gold

Sorry I've been spotty. Josh and I drove back from LA on Sunday. Yesterday we unpacked. Last night we repacked. And today we say adios to San Jose, again.

The car is wearing down and I think we are too. Josh hasn't been feeling 100%, I'm more... emotional (good word choice J) than normal. We haven't had a chance to workout regularly and both of us are feeling ... meaty (not sure if that was a good word choice, ha). 

But after I was done complaining to Josh last night, I sighed out my last negative thought and resolutely raised my chin into the air. See, I'll tell you what I told him. The paint on the side of the car, weird oil levels, a need for new tires, Friday night and Sunday afternoon drives up and down the five each week, no date nights, fast food, bad smells, tired Mondays, living out of suitcases, and spending hours talking about phones and listening to the weekly Peristyle (sorry honey). It's all worth it. For the Saturdays spent with family, celebrating with friends, partaking in Christmas traditions, and maybe just being there to play poker and remind the ones most important to us that they are important to us. It's all worth it. YOU are worth it.

Even though I'm packing up our Christmas decorations here, I know that I'm coming down to a Christmas that is only just beginning. See ya'll in a few days. It's Christmas!!

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