Monday, September 3, 2012

The Auntie's Version

I am officially an auntie! My friend, Kiki, told me that as an auntie you are overcome with a deep love that you would only expect the mother to understand. She was so right.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Don't you want to hear the back story? I would. :)

I had been praying all week Cole would make his move while I was in town. I didn't want to miss one of Blane and Aimee's most important moments. On Friday night, Blane and Aimee took me to pick up Josh from the airport. We grabbed some In-N-Out and hung out at their house till late. Aimee had gone to the bathroom and mentioned some of her water may have broken.

My ears perked up and there was no way I was leaving.

Her and Blane tried to get some sleep. Josh was already passed out but I was too excited so I cleaned up their house a little bit. I pushed Josh over and found a space on the couch and fell asleep for a few hours. I woke up to Aimee saying it may be time to call the doctor. Early Saturday morning she began feeling contractions. She waited till they were five minutes apart and Blane gave the doc a call.

The three of us packed up the overnight bag and drove over to St. Johns. It was 7:30am and there was no one on the road. She was omitted and checked and moved to a birthing room. They told her the average first time birth took about 14 hours so they settled in for the long hall.

Parents were called, friends were texted. The best was Blane when he called his dad. He couldn't keep the tears from welling up. He blamed his emotions on exhaustion. I just smiled knowingly. Cole is going to have one great dad.

Around 4cm she got the beloved epidural and finally fell asleep. I went to close up their house, take a shower, and pick up Josh. Blane texted around 3:30pm saying she was 9cm dilated so I headed back. By the time I got there she had already begun to push. My heart contracted and my eyes filled with tears. It was happening.

I joined Blane's grandma and my mom outside in the waiting area. Dad arrived, then Melissa and Grace. Still no word. She pushed 45 minutes and then he was there crying his eyes out and as healthy as can be.

The spectators were finally let in and dad was the first to hold him. Aimee did great - and so did Blane.

I am beyond grateful I was there. An event etched in my mind forever.

"It's happening"

This excited lady showing up with breakfast and caffeine.


Dad made it in time!

More waiting..

and the greatest reward

A bona fide family

My heart is bursting with joy!

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