Friday, July 29, 2011

A Bridal Shower

I think I've mentioned that my sister is also getting married this year. Haven't I? It's a year of celebrations and parties. =) I've been waiting and waiting to show you her church shower invitations but I couldn't since she hadn't gotten hers yet. But since she received her's today...tada! Aren't they delightfully beautimous? They're from Minted, the same place I bought my wedding invitations. I thought they looked like her, simple but well done with a bit of typography and a stripe kick for the finale.
And to top it off, found these stamps to go with. Each person got a different stamp that kinda reminded me of them. Of course, I doubt they'll know that - but I do and now you do too. :p

 Okay, for reals now I'll stop bothering you so the weekend can commence. =) 

1 comment:

Aimee said...

LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D