Friday, July 29, 2011

This and That

This past weekend my salon girl at Queen Bee was telling me her and her hubby have been married for 15 years. About 7 years ago they went through a rough patch. But now, after working on their communication, they've made a comeback and are celebrating their anniversary by taking the family to Hawaii next week. Then during one of my meetings, one of the members of the committee told me that you always have to give 100%, especially when you don't feel like you're receiving anything back - and that's what has made it work for them. Another lady from my church said that she's been married almost 30 years and that it really just gets better and better. It's amazing to me, a married newbie, that it can get better and better.

On a less reflective note, I ran across this yesterday and was laughing out loud by myself. Hope it brings a smile to your face too. Have a great weekend everyone!

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