Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Happy days continue. Today I was hit with some unexpected good news, I graduated from Physical Therapy!

This morning I had a session and I thought I was going to get in trouble since I hadn't been doing my stretches and exercises while in LA. But instead I passed all the tests with flying colors and at the very end Ana told me she thought I didn't need to come back. Praise Jesus!

She warned me that I will forever have a weak back and in order to keep from a relapse I need to keep my core strong, including my butt and back. Then she gave me some more stretches, told me to keep in touch, and sent me on my way. I'll be forever grateful to her for getting me back on my feet. 

Here's Ana and I today (excuse the nasty, I had just been worked over the last hour). 

Oh and another one for the road :)

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I'm so proud of you for working through and graduating PT!!! Praise the Lord for how far you (and that back!) have come. I love you "Auntie!" ;)