Thursday, September 6, 2012

Auntie Agony

Where in the world did this week go? It feels like Tuesday or some day earlier in the week. Doesn't it? I just finished putting our place back in order from our fishing jaunt and la trip. And yes, tonight we re-pack because we're headed to la tomorrow.

What? You thought I could keep away? Please, these last four days I've been wallowing in Auntie Agony. Yes, I think it is a real disorder. But I'm not going to look it up, just in case it isn't.

Everyone keeps asking me if we are getting the baby-beegies. i.e. the most hotly anticipated question of the season after what the fall boots will look like. Our answer, we are enjoying the Uncle/Auntie gig. It is full of wonderfulness and has only just begun. Please give us just a second to be present.

Here you go. Do you get butterflies in your stomach like I do each time I receive a picture?

And in other news, I ran across this article on marriage that was absolutely fascinating and made me think of the last time I criticized Josh. 

Also, this recipe app has changed my life. Organizing always does.

As an nod to our middle school lives but with a sophisticated twist, I could not resist.

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