Monday, October 3, 2011

The Misconception of 30

I googled "turning 30" for the heck of it. I mainly found a bunch of people trying to convince themselves that the "thirties are the new twenties" Huh? That doesn't even make sense. I think my beef with the thirties is there's some cultural idea planted in my brain that you should have perfected it in your twenties. That's all well and good for those who have pulled it all together. I kinda feel like I'm barely getting it all together. Here's where I'm at:

1. I'm just beginning to define my style, identify my design aesthetic, solidify my beliefs, understand my faults, and see my strengths. Before I would like everything and nothing all at the same time. I would vacillate between this and that. Some things are still hard but for the most part I know what I like.

2. I've begun to realistically think long term. People will tell you that I'm always focused on the future but this time I can actually do it. It's exciting to think about moving, buying a house, and having kids. 

3. I love being married. It is settling and wonderful. I'm learning so much about what it means to love someone. In return I feel safely tucked in the arms of my husband. That is freeing and life giving. 

4. I realize you have to make more of an effort to pull yourself together. I have to try harder to stay in shape and wake up earlier to put some order to my face. We should do that, you know girls.

5. Discipline: In every way - finances, friends, relationship with God, holding my tongue, and restraining the emotions that can run so wild. Sucks at the time but it's nice at the end because before you know it you're stronger, smarter, settled, and better in many ways. 

I realize that nothing here is exciting and fun to read but I think that's the point. When you get older the stuff doesn't sound as fun but now I know that the rewards are greater. Being labeled "old" isn't so terrible. Those people have no idea how wonderful it is to be in this stage of life. Right now everything I've dreamed about as a little girl is either happening or at the tips of my fingertips.  It's not just in my journal anymore. It's real. It's real. I can hardly believe it myself. Josh thinks that my thirties are going to be my best ever. Crossing my fingers, that's what I'm thinking too. 

Coming up - my Birthday Wish List. Can you guess what's on it? :p

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I'm hoping that one of the 5 black bags we've been looking at in the last week has a winner on this upcoming list!