Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Roaring 20's

This week is a big week. You may be thinking October signals the beginnings of fall, family get-to-togethers, celebrations, holiday, creamed corn, time off from work, sweaters, and gift shopping. And it does. But this week alone is reserved for something momentous only to me. Why you ask? Because you see this week leads up to the day I say adios to my twenties and step into the big 3 and 0.

The twenties are a chaotic time in life. It's the only decade where you are faced with a lot of change in a short period of time - moving out, college, graduating, jobs, dating, marriage, and maybe even kids. That's a lot of adjusting! When I was in my twenties I would have benefited from a little well meaning guidance. Because older = smarter (or so they say) here's my advice for whomever to learn whatever.

1. Dye your hair. Because you can. And wear whatever you want because you don't have to worry about a 9-5 dress code and your professional ambitions. Live it up because soon you'll be regretting that you never "let go" enough because you were worried what that girl who you'll never see again thinks.

2. Savor the sweet taste of freedom without the financial responsibilities. Man, I can close my eyes and daydream about life in college - living off my parents dime and just having fun. When all I had to worry about was that guy I was into and if I had studied enough for that class. And you think these worries are legitimate. Oh, the days of real worrylessness...

3. See the world. Take as many trips and vacations as you can. DO things that aren't in your everyday. You know why? Because all too soon you learn how limited "vacation days" can mean. See the world so you can develop and identify why you are who you are. You know, the world makes you less judgmental and more open-minded. Go for it.

4. Boyfriends. My advice? Go get some. Although this sounds sarcastic I'm actually being serious. Dating really helps to identify what traits we actually value. Don't take it so serious, and just go have dinner! Even if it's terrible, it's worth it. Think of it like this - one hour of painful conversation and a failed date probably helped you rule out something you don't want in the guy you end up marrying.  I would not have dated someone like Josh if I hadn't dated the guy before him. Trust me, you'll thank me down the line.

5. You can now drive alone, buy a lotto ticket, and buy a drink. Hello freedom! All ways of identifying your limits and clarifying your values. Do it with a purpose and then establish a moral code to live by.

6. Take the time to explore different mediums of culture. Our parents raised us in a culture that they felt most comfortable in but there are so many different others. Small town, big town...go to galleries, museums, shows, operas, libraries, famous places, historical monuments.  You don't want to be stuck in the one your parents put you in just to realize too late you like something else better.

7.  Because I wasn' less judgmental of others and focus on being a better person yourself.

8. Invest in a best friend. Learn to open yourself up to a few people, develop trust, be vulnerable. Real friendships - the kind you call in the middle of the night to talk about that thing that bothers you. The kind where you'll sit for hours together in a room doing absolutely nothing. The kind where you share your deepest secrets. The kind that you fight with. The kind that will stick by you through the thick and thin. Invaluable.

9. Second to last, I wish I had someone older to gently guide me along the way. It might have saved me from a lot of mistakes.

10. And if you have an inkling of the love of Jesus - take the time to figure out why He is so amazing. I knew it but I didn't live by it all the time and looking back, my path would have been more direct and less of a tug between my way and His if I hadn't been subconsciously swayed by others. There are many ways in this life but truly He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

What's your advice for the 20's? 
"Move out because you don't want the first person you live with to be your wife." - Josh
"Learn your personal hygiene - find what make-up, skincare, and shaving methods work for you." - Anonymous
"Go on a mission." - Aimee
"Develop some spiritual disciplines." - Aimee

Bare with me this week. In my aging state, I'm in a contemplative mood. :p

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