Wednesday, May 23, 2012

PT Served with a Side of Hope

Now that the anniversary celebration has come to a close (I know I said I could celebrate all week but even I'm a little sick of my own mushy gushyness - ha) I have time to tell you about my physical therapy appointment last Saturday. It was wonderful. Full of information, advice, stretches, (and of course) a few tears (from me guys, not Josh :p).
After Dr. Ana caught up on our last five months and reviewed my MRI, she did a few tests on me and I could actually do them, sort of! She identified my areas of pain beyond my lower back and explained which pain was okay to push and which I shouldn't. She gave me certain stretches to do everyday and sent me on my way with promises of being able to run again. I couldn't help it, a tear slipped out when she so confidently said I should be sitting, driving, running, working again soon. I mean in that moment, for the first time in a long time, I was filled with hope.

The feeling of hope is amazing. Thank you thank you thank you Jesus.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

God is so good!