Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where'd THAT come from!?!

I know a great blogger is one who updates often. I only seem to be able to write when I'm inspired. I find that this rings true in other areas of my life too: school, work, relationships, papers, other work, ministry... A used to call it J at 100% or J at 0%.

Needless to say I'm currently hitting the high 90's.

If you haven't heard, Venice is doing a Faith Pledge. Basically the church purposefully passed a red budget in favor of supporting different ministries, acting on faith that the Lord would provide even in tough economic times. With that said, the church was asked to consider making a pledge, of any amount that would somehow stretch your faith of offering. The catch is the money can't come from any source of expected income. Tangible ways of learning what faith really looks like. I was excited about the possibilities of other people having extraordinary stories by year end. Note I said "other" people. :) Well, two weeks ago I made my own pledge, not thinking much about it.

Today money that I wasn't expecting plopped in my lap. The funny thing is I didn't even think about this until I was sharing with Randy at work and he said, "oh that's neat, it's part of your faith pledge!" I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized I had just been given my first installment of my faith pledge! I've also learned that others in the church have also had the same experience as me. God truly does work in tangible ways, He's not only providing but teaching His children as well. I can't wait to see when the next installment happens upon me. This time though, I'll be watching out!

If you are apart of the body of Venice I encourage you to participate, not for the benefit of the church, but for yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I'm not gonna miss out on this!