Monday, February 23, 2009


The season of Lent is upon us. Wednesday marks the beginning of the historic time when people fast and pray before the coming of Easter, 40 days. Just like the 40 days of temptation for Jesus.

Four years ago when I was having a rough go in life I fasted sleep in the morning in favor of daily devotions. Looking back I have never had a more on track, meaningful time of spiritual renewal and discipline. This year I have decided to do the same again. Normally I would be dreading Wednesday morning, the start of having to get up half an hour earlier than normal - but I just have a yearning of excitement that I can barely contain. I thirst for more of Him. I hunger for a deeper understanding of His ways.

Are you lenting something? I encourage you to stretch yourself beyond what you believe you are capable of. Keep your motives pure before the Lord and He will bless your obedience.

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