Tuesday, December 4, 2007

In the Spirit of the Season

This year isn't an ordinary year. It feels different. It feels like Christmas to me, joyous - full of family, love, thanksgiving, and God. O, so much of God.

Every year doesn't always feel this way to me. This appreciative. This excited. Maybe it's because it's been a tough year, and I feel the fullness of God's grace and ultimate provisions for my life. Maybe it's because I'm where God wants me to be. Maybe it's because of Thailand. Maybe it's because I feel so safe and secure.

Whatever the reason, I am abundantly thankful for this season, this chance to celebrate the awesome birth and moreso the coming of a Savior - one who always forgives, always loves, and always wins.

I hope you too are experiencing the greatness of this season.

Snowing on Mainstreet in Disneyland.

Josh and I are determined to hit every ride/attraction D-land has to offer. Here's us checking out "Honey I Shrunk the Audience".

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