Saturday, December 29, 2007

2007 and 2008!

This past year was filled with the usual trials and big decisions. For me it was a change in, move, back to school, etc. It was the Year of Change. Change is not something that comes easily in the Miyabe family. It's hard to deal with the hidden difficulties that come with change. In years past, I probably would have rated this as one of the toughest years I have gone through. But as I look back on the path I see God's finger in each instance.

I see Him in my decision to go back to school, I see Him in the reason I work where I work, I see Him in my struggle with Aimee, I see him in my relationship with Josh, I see Him in EVERYTHING.

I do not see this past year as the toughest year, I see that God has been changing me; changing my heart, my emotions, my desires, my thoughts, my needs, my selfishness.

As I look forward to 2008 I brace myself, put on my armor of God so that as each new life circumstance happens, I handle it with the Holy Spirit - I want to grow in Christ. I desire to seek His life in EVERYTHING I do. It has to be a conscious effort to put myself aside and to see what Christ is trying to do.

2008 The Year of CHRIST!
My goal, my focus, my desire is purposeful steps is to serve Him, to become more Christlike in every interaction, every situation, every public and private situation.

"What happens today - let us be assured of this - is meant, in the purpose of our loving Father, to make us Holy in every part. One of the things that slows us down is our tendency to react tot he happenings instead of responding to the Holder of the happenings. He is at work! He knows what he is doing. He asks us to believe in His thoroughly loving purpose." Elizabeth Elliot

God has those things happen in our lives on purpose. Are you missing what he is trying to teach you, by just dealing with the problems!? See it for what it is and join me in opening our eyes to what Christ is trying to do. Allow Him to make you holy and let us turn our ear to Him!

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