Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sunburnt Blessings

Josh and I had lunch with these fine people yesterday. Much more than family friends - but people you share your deepest hurts and greatest triumphs with. 

John and Celia lived in LA during John's residency and so our parents became fast friends. And even though they live in Seattle, us "kids" are connected through our own relationships as adults now. 

A simple lunch stop that turned into 2 1/2 hours of sunburnt blessings.

John, Celia, Carrie, Jeff, Lori, and Matthew - thank you for driving so out of your way to see us. We love you.


Lori said...

Love you j and josh! Thank you for the blessed family time, always a joy to see you guys :)

Aimee said...

Nice shirt ;) I wonder who made you get that?!?