Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Preface: Now before anyone freaks out, let me state for the record, I AM NOT PREGNANT. I can see the gossip catching on like a forrest fire in the wind. This person tells that person and then that person, and before you know it when I fly down this weekend my teary eyed mother will greet me at the gate with a baby rattle in hand. I'm just thinking about the future in this post and that's it. Now please continue...

When we were growing up every night was family dinner night. It didn't matter what we were eating or what was going on. Every night my sister and parents would sit and eat together. We had two rules at family dinner. 1. Manners - You had to have them. Elbows on the table meant we had to go count to 25 in the hallway (quite effective means of teaching actually), no smacking, and so on. 2. No one had to do anything else - that included answering the phone (back them there were no cells), doing homework, attending meetings, and so on. It was just the four of us.

I saw this over at DALS blog and I totally agree and want to adapt this for my own family. Just makes sense. I think many of you may have tried Rule #8. Am I right?

Looking back I love the concept of family dinners. I believe, as they do, that it brings a family together. I also believe that "if you cook it they will come". Which is one of the reasons I am so intent on learning how to cook.

And this kind of stuff, right here is the reason motherhood freaks me out. I wouldn't have ever thought of doing something like that. Did ya see the little "Be a Builder" cut outs on their plates? I mean, how do you build the builder? Intimidating.


Donna said...

Do you know this gal? How'd you find her?

Julianna said...

I can't remember exactly. Probably just clicking on this link and then that and before you know it, you're a hundred clicks away from where you were originally going... =)

The guest poster is actually someone I follow more regularly. Inchmark. She's uber talented (makes book covers) and writes well.
