Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mermaids, Eggs, Pooping, and Prizes!

Today Josh and I were sitting having a casual, run of the mill conversation about mermaids. This is how it went...

I said to Josh, "You kind of look like a mermaid."

After a slight pause (as is his norm) he asked, "Do mermaids lay eggs?"

I paused (as I am not in the normal habit of doing), looked to my right eyebrow and replied, "huh, I have no idea."

Drawing on all previous mermaid knowledge, Josh said, "Well, Aerial never had a mom."

Going deeper (as I'm usually prone to doing) I wondered aloud, "How do mermaids pee? poop?"

He too was utterly stumped.

This lead me to immediately want to post to see if someone would be able to answer the question, "How do mermaids reproduce?" and "How do they pee and poo?"

For anyone who can think of the best, most creative answer to the above mentioned questions, you will receive the most AMAZING high five you've ever experienced in your ENTIRE life!

-Rules of Mermaid Reproduction Contest are subject to change. See blogger for details.


mel said...

REPRODUCTION: when a mermaid and a merman fall in love, beautiful things can happen. on the night of the wedding, the merman gives his mermaid a new set of shells, indicating that she is his. (how embellished the decorations on the shells depend on how much the merman wants to spend.) anyways, the old shells do not get thrown away. instead, they are put away in a special place until the couple decides they want to have little merkids. when that time comes, the merman takes one of his shimmery scales, and the mermaid takes one of her shimmery scales and they each place it into the now sacred shells. the little piece of him and the little piece of her join together to create the beginnings of the little meregg. the meregg matures inside the shells until it is ready to enter the sea as a itty bitty merbaby. whalah!

PEE/POO: merpeople get rid of their waste through their gills. the water goes in and carries out any waste products that need to be gotten rid of.

Julianna said...

From Matthew Barnes:

the other day i was at Disneyland and we saw Ariel and so i started talking about mermaids and their procreation and excremental methods. Stacy looked at me like i was crazy, told me that she doesn't think that they lay eggs and said "it's probably better just not to think about it." this, of course, left me thinking about it all day. uggh.

maybe they swim so much that they don't need to pee or poo. or maybe, like fish, they have a small tailpipe somwhere. maybe they use every bit of what they eat as energy. maybe they don't eat. (i don't think i've seen one eat.) reproduction... maybe they lay eggs, but they're always portrayed as being so sexual that it would seem wrong (or at the very least, misleading) if they couldn't do it.

your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

if your friend Melissa is right...

that wedding night would be quite the letdown.

Anonymous said...

Mermaids come from giant clams that are in the deepest darkest areas of the ocean that man has yet to develop the tools necessary to explore. They do not have mothers, as shown in the historical epic The Little Mermaid, and their "fathers" are the mermen who claim stake over the large clam from which they were "born". There ARE in fact a finite number of large clams but 1 year after the "birth" of a mermaid the clam reseals itself to house the gestation of another one (the gestation takes approximately 15 months).

As for the peeing and pooping . . . well some things shouldn't be discussed! However, if you must know, the answer is that mermaids secrete waste in two ways. The first is a beautiful process whereby the mermaid shed's the scales on their tails revealing a magnificent shiny new set of scales. This first method occurs once a year. The second is not so beautiful and involves nasal leakage. This second, less favorable method only occurs during illness.

Hope this helps!