Monday, July 2, 2012

A Delightfully Fatty Saturday

On Saturday we practically ate our way through San Francisco. If you've been around, you know I'm on a quest to try all the best foods in SF. I was excited to go because I am finally well enough to handle all the standing, walking, and sitting. Even though I had to wear my mondo sized marathon shoes, I totally made it. Thank you Jesus!

We decided to take the Bart since I had never experienced it before. It was less *word searching* hostile (found it!) than the NY subway. I was quite in awe of all the diverse white people. That may sound weird but I'm telling ya it's true. Not quite what I'm used to being from LA. :)

ANYWAY, back to it. The Bart, lovely. Much less stressful to use than having to navigate the cramped roads and impossible-to-find parking. 
Our first stop was Pizzeria Delfina. It's been at the top of my bucket list because it never fails to be at the top of everyone else's bucket list. And man, it did not disappoint. I was mentally prepared for an hour wait but to our surprise we sat immediately! If you know SF, then you know all those foodies book reservations months in advance. We totally lucked out. 

Margherita Pizza and that small bowl of goodness in the back was to die for. Some fancy mac & cheese-pasta-red-sauce-braised-pork hybrid that melted in your mouth. Kid you not, I was savoring each bite as if I was being taped in slow motion. And the Margherita was so good I would argue it is the best I've ever had (seriously Ramsey, you'll have to come and try it).
Then afterwards we heaved ourselves over to Tartine - one of the best bakeries in the city.The morning buns and fresh pastries looked so tasty. I know we just ate, but I had to get something. :) 
You'd think we'd be done, but no no. Classic Bi-Rite Creamery was just down the street so after we waited in 3 different lines (no kidding!) we were rewarded with a scoop of homemade salted caramel and brown sugar ice cream. Even now I close my eyes and am transported back to that first taste of heaven. -_- Proof it was good? Mr. Lactose Intolerant himself couldn't stop from digging in. 
There was no stopping us so we broke from the locals and BART'ed it up to Fisherman's Wharf. From the dock Josh took this picture of Alcatraz. It was breezy and as the hour passed the fog slowly rolled in and covered the infamous island. It was beautiful.
All that walking helped to combat all that eating. That's what I keep telling myself anyway. ;) The crowds were thinned, the weather refreshing, and the company rated outstanding.
If there was one thing I would leave with you it's this. They sure do know how to do food right. 

Hope this short week brings a reprieve from the daily grind. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Aimee said...