Wednesday, March 21, 2012

All in a Day

I ventured out beyond my normal walk route and was delightfully assaulted with the fresh scent of citrus. The orange trees on a farm nearby were in full bloom. I stopped and breathed deeply. The smell was wonderful. 
 I was so tempted to just pick one off the tree, or take one from the ground, but didn't. 
Instead, I mustered up the courage to go in close to take a picture and feel the oranges. 
When I was little we lived in a house owned by the church. It was directly behind the church and next to an alley so it wasn't the most ideal place to live. We had bars on all the windows and during our time there had a few break-in's to the garage (One time I lost my beloved pink bike.).

But I didn't know any better when we were young and loved that house. There were two bedrooms + a tiny little space that barely managed a twin bed. That space was my bedroom and I would love opening my window during the summer to smell the fruit.

My run in with the orange trees took me back to those wonderful days.

Yesterday my friend Dawn lost her grandma. She was 95 year old! But of course it always hurts to lose someone you love, no matter the age. Fittingly our couples devotional last night talked about dealing with grief in marriage. It's a little scary thinking the two of us will experience a lot of grief together. But this is what the book said, "A Christian family will suffer as much grief as any other family. Loss will hurt them just as deeply. The difference is, a Christian's grief is always tempered by hope. The loved one is still gone, but we have the hope of meeting again in heaven and experiencing permanent joy."

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