Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Answered Prayers

My back has taken a few steps backwards these past few days. It feels super tight and like something bad could happen with one wrong turn or reach. I have been icing it all day and not sitting. Hopefully this heals up soon. But that's not why I'm writing.

I'm not sure if you've noticed my Daily Prayer List down there on the right. I update it every so often with praises and burdens that are on my heart. Just a few weeks ago I added #6. For God to break through to family members who don't know him. I actually had some specific loved ones in mind but today I received an email that had been forwarded many times saying that some family members whom I don't know accepted Christ! I will probably never meet these people but I know in heaven I will run up to them and tell them God had me praying for them and I didn't even know it. God works in wondrous ways doesn't He?

Keep praying for whoever is on your heart. I tell ya, the Big Man upstairs works miracles.

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