Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The One and Only Time I Will Be Posting About Hello Kitty :p

Despite the claim to the right, Leah and I have really known each other for the last four years. I say really because I've known her since childhood because we used to meet up at church camp every year. But after running into one another at a conference we began meeting up and soon became fast friends and accountability partners. She is pretty much the complete opposite of me but with the same basic values. =) That's part of the reason I love her so much. After she got engaged this year she honored me by asking me to be a bridesmaid! One of her many quirks is her love of Hello Kitty. I know some of you ladies may love HK but the truth is you'll never meet a more devoted fan. Of course it was so fitting to have her first shower's theme be all about the Kitty. 

HK favors stuffed with more HK goodies and a bona fide HK cupcake cake!
Cute right? Look closely!
Even the pineapple is HK!

 Leah's beaming mom. She was so cute because she opened the shower with a prayer and her voice was shaking because she was crying. Made me tear up too!
 We did a few games. I hate to brag but who won 2 out of 3?!?!! That's right baby! Yours truly showed them girls who was boss! :p Here is Leah with the finalists of the toilet tissue wedding gown game. To Leah's right is her 93 year old grandma. Tell me that isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen?
 We played this game, "What's in your Purse?!" Josh won this game for me. You know why? Check out the 50 point bonus on the bottom right. Yup, he makes me carry one of those. Score!
 I wish I had taken pictures of people and one of Leah and I but I just didn't think of it. Here the bride is surrounded by her gifts!  
For someone who loves so deeply on others...Leah, I hope you felt a small token of that love in return. Looking forward to the Wedding of the Century!  

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