Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quick Weekend Recap

Belated birthday dinner with Randy, including a few surprises from the 'ole man. 
A and B closing on their first home! Their joy is my joy.
Birthday dinner with Dave + Co. Yup, Josh finished this whole thing + some mac and cheese. Good food, good company. As a bonus, Kris and Bruce Jenner sat directly behind us. Josh's comment, "She's tall."
Wedding run around. Hair, check. Make-up, check. Flowers, check. 
A's "LOVE" shower - 26 ladies = a few tears and a lot of laughs, priceless. 
Seeing Kylie's new dorm, working, hearing Kevin at Westlight, and catching up with Leah - it is her birthday week after all. =)

Although it was good to touch base with soo many people, I also felt like I had cheated some too. I wish I could have spent more time talking with Dave, listening to Leah, hanging out with Kylie, and seeing Melissa. Truth is, I'm just about run ragged. I've had a chronic cough for the past two months and can't seem to get my immune system to stick up for me anymore. I tire easily and qet sick quickly. I've been married three months and haven't been healthy for two of those. I've been to two different doctors in the last two weeks who gave me antibiotics, steriod inhalers, and codeine but they don't seem to work. I couldn't recover from the go-go of this past weekend so I am sick, again. I'm so tired of being sick. I'm tired of being tired. If you're so inclined, please pray for me. I have another doctor's appointment on Friday that I'm hopeful will help us find some answers.

Sorry about the debbie downer ending. Hope you are all healthy!

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