Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wife Guilt

I haven't been feeling well since I've been home. I'm one of those people who always gets sick after an event. I'm pretty sure it's because I push it too much so when I get home my body reminds me I should have gone to bed earlier, ate more regularly, dealt with that issue sooner, and/or took a break more often.

Usually it's not a big deal if I'm sick. It doesn't affect anyone besides me. Pre-marriage, I didn't have to worry about making dinner, putting the house back together, providing company for your husband, preparing lunches, making sure he's got some sweets available to munch on and his wash all clean and folded - ready to go. But now that I have Josh I have these responsibilities. Actually, I like having those responsibilities. 

But since I've been sick I can't muster enough energy to do these things and I can't help but feel guilty. To be fair, Josh doesn't have any expectations for me to do any of those wifey things. If you know him you know he's just not that type of guy. I put those expectations on myself. I kept thinking yesterday that I was gone for 4 days and then was feeling bad for 2 more. That means 6 days of him having to take care of his own dinners and lunches. I have a growing list in my head of everything that I should be taking care of - the laundry, dusting, Target runs, weekly errands, and grocery shopping.

I feel bad because he happily picked up dinner last night for us after working all day. GUILT. No one ever told me about wife guilt. Is this normal? I didn't learn about this in our pre-marital counseling. I wonder if other wives go through this. Do you?

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