Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Julie and Julia: Naomi's Broccoli Chicken Casserole

Did you ever see that movie "Julie and Julia"? It's about a young cook who decides to work her way through Julia Child's cookbook. Don't worry, I'm not attempting the infamous beef bourguignon but I did want to try some new recipes. One of the best presents I received from my wedding shower was a book of favorite recipes from all these talented cooks! =) I'm going to attempt to work my way through the book and I'll tell you a little bit about the person behind the recipe.
On the menu tonight, Naomi's Broccoli Chicken Casserole. Naomi is my best friend's mom. She's been around since Day 1 with me. Often I'd be over there for dinner and was always excited when she cooked this dish. I think I must have told her that one too many times because that's the recipe she gave me! I was so excited! 

These are our two families. Naomi is the one in the middle. Every year for my birthday she always gives me the best homemade mochi from this shop in Torrance that I LOVE. And in my entire life I can think of only one time that I didn't receive a card for any special occasion, from a birthday to Christmas.  She has the gift of helps and is generous, caring, a bit nosy (:p), faithful, and accepting. I love her so much.
I didn't want to let her down with the casserole. The problem I found is I need very specific instruction. There's no room for error that way. I wasn't sure which size cream of mushroom I was supposed to buy or how/if I was supposed to combine the bread crumbs and butter. But I kinda cheated and texted Melissa for a bit of help. Here's the end result. 
Even though it wasn't quite like Naomi's, it was still good. I liked it. Josh liked it. Thumb's up. Naomi, thanks for passing along your love through this fan favorite! 

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