Friday, April 29, 2011

It's Kinda A Big Deal

I don't know why but I was so enthralled with the royal wedding of William and Kate.  I was excited to see what she wore and the decorum of the day. It's not often we see a royal wedding. Although I know it plays no significance to me personally I couldn't help but stay glued to the tellie* early this morning joining the throngs of people caught up in the spectacle. 

Mrs. Middleton and Pippa looked amazing. And Kate looking simply beautiful and comfortable in her own skin.
It was magnificent. 
Josh and I also had a mini momentous event today as well. We acquired our marriage license. Oddly, I was nervous and excited walking into the courthouse. There were a handful of brides waiting to be married, a pastor performing ceremonies, people lining up to get their license. I kept telling Josh, "It's kinda a big deal Josh". He kept laughing at me. He feels like he's already made his decision to be married. He feels comfortable and resolute about it. To him getting a marriage license is checking something we need to do off the list. It holds more significance to me. 

Once you reach the front of the line, the man has you sit down, pulls up the license so we can check it for any errors, we pay, and then raise our right hand and swear that this information is the truth. It felt so...official. At the bottom of the license there's a section that states the impending name change. My first name with Josh's last name. I was trying not to be emotional about it but I couldn't help it. 
My new name. I have a new name. 

Is it selfish to pray for us so often? I do though. I pray all the time, fervently even. I prayed today at the Courthouse. I will pray everyday until we get married. And after that. For the rest of our lives.

*excuse the speak. In honor of the royal wedding I am speaking with my London accent today. =)

1 comment:

Donna said...

Yeah JJ & Josh!