Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Pre-Sunday Spectacular

This month I'm on praise team but I wasn't able to make it this weekend. I asked one of my teammates, Barb, how Sunday had gone and she sent this email. I had to share.

Well, we were put to the test, but God is good, and we somehow were able to pull it all together by 8:45.

A quick blow-by-blow  review....

We had planned to meet at 7:30, but I, for the first time in my life, overslept, so the 3 of us scrambled to get ready while Timo, Perry, and Andrew were waiting out front in the rain.
7:45: We arrive, but no sound person is there and we don't have a key
7:48: We just start to practice after calling your mom to bring your dad's key (luckily she was running late).
8:00, Carol arrives, but does not have a key either.
8:05: Your mom calls back and can't find the key anywhere.
8:08: Alan is camping, Amy is in Washington, Randy is in Israel, so Carol calls Jason to see if he can bring a key.
8:10, Your mom arrives and we run through the set with her
8:12: Timo's string breaks - he and Andrew make calls to see if anyone has extra strings.
8:15 - we call Warren to see if he is coming - Audrey confirms he is on the way.
8:20 - Lauren arrives, but we can't get to the keyboard, so she just hangs out.
8:25: Ken arrives and has a key - HURRAY!
8:26: Everyone scrambles to get equipment up and working
8:27: Jason arrives with a 2nd key
8:30: Timo can't find any extra strings, so packs up the guitar and helps setup
8:35: Warren arrives - turns out he got in the car and drove to Serena's school thinking it was a regular school morning. (You must be laughing by now....) 
8:37: We pray, realizing at this point that prayer is more important than getting through the set.
8:40: We run through the 2 songs Warren had never sang before, and end right when David walks in to do the announcements. PRAISE GOD!!!  = ]
8:46: I panic, realizing that I forgot to practice the hymn, and of course it is one I have never even heard of before. Your mom grimaces when she sees the title, but tells me not to worry, I'm sure I'll recognize it once I start playing. (you must be rolling on the floor by now.....)  It was the worse song ever. Who can sing a high G? We were all dieing....

The rest of the service was INCREDIBLE - love pastor Hector and all the praise team volunteers that just hung in there and did their best!

You couldn't make this stuff up! I felt so terrible I called Barb immediately to make sure she was ok. You know what? She was fine. Was even able to laugh about it. I had even talked to mom earlier and all she said about Sunday's worship was that the Lord was working and it was great. I love that because in the end it's about what the Lord is able to do through the chaos. These people are so money.
I will miss them greatly when I move.

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