Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Unexpected

I have expected many things in the planning of a wedding. The arduous task of negotiating with vendors, waiting on people to respond, registrying, and shopping to name a few. But there have been many unexpected shockers that have taught me about love, grace, and community.

Since the planning commenced I have only cried twice so far. The first happened 2 weekends ago when I was up north. Aimee sent me an email. For years I have followed these photographers blog. I love their work and have watched them grow more and more popular. Every year their prices increased. By the time I got engaged I knew we wouldn't be able to afford them. Aimee secretly contacted them and worked a contract that we could almost afford, and then her and Bil threw in the difference. I was so moved I just cried. I wasn't expecting them to do something so awesome, so personal, so thoughtful, and so generous.

The second time I cried was tonight actually. Tonight I had dinner with Randy. Randy and I go way back. I worked for him while I was in school and grew to love him as I love family. Every so often we meet over a meal to catch up. I appreciate our frank discussions. As we were ending our time together he gave one offer as a gift to Josh and I. I drove home thinking I am undeserving of such a gift. How are people so generous? It teaches me.

Although I haven't cried about this one it certainly has been a unexpected joy - maybe the biggest one of all. Since the day I began dating Josh I have been perpetually worried about what his parents think of me. It is not warranted. They are nothing but loving and accepting. My insecurities I'm sure. But still it is in the back of my mind. Do they think the age difference is too much? Do they want someone more asian for their oldest son - a great cook, someone who can sew? After Josh proposed the thing I was concerned about the most was what his parents were feeling. Since day 1 of the proposal - and really since 4 1/2 years ago - they have been nothing but supportive, excited, and welcoming. I even made their yearly newsletter!

My mom has been so cool. She's excited and involved but not pushy. She makes the process fun and not stressful.

My Uncle Mark has agreed to make some pies for the dessert table. He said he "would be honored".

My oldest cousins wife, Paige, emailed offering any help.

Gary cried when I asked him to help officiate.

Brandon always asks for an update even though he's probably sick of hearing about it all.

Aimee wants to be involved in everything even though she's busy planning her own wedding.

And Josh, oh my Josh, who has showed me that he is the best partner I could ever have.

Over and over I am seeing the unexpected hands reaching out to us. I need to be to others like these people have been to us. God showing me the way the body takes care of the body. Convicting me to do more, love more, accept more, and give more.

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