Thursday, October 22, 2009

Linda Post III

Linda's wedding planner extraordinaire, Aimee, had to turn in Linda's contract for the reception site last Friday, so I tagged along. Honestly, the banquet manager there is so nice. We had gone to view the room a few weeks back and although it wasn't fit for my taste (think bright colored carpet mixed with circles and squares and lamp shades right out of the 80's), Linda loved it. And because she loved it, we loved it.

Anyhoo, when we were turning in the contract the banquet manager mentioned how this wedding seems different, more special and so I told her about all the blessings Linda has received starting with the dress and the whole David's Bridal thing and she got all emotional and told us that she actually waived the $1000.00 room charge without telling us - and that she usually never does that, but something about Linda really touched her.

You know, it's not really about the money (although it's the expression), it's more about the heart of these people. One person went up to her at church and told Linda she wanted to pay for her wedding dress. Can you imagine that?! Over and over again we have been blown away by the heart of the people. I'm sure that God has been moving people in this way. It is my hope, and I know Linda's too, that those who have blessed her, would also be over and abundantly showered with the realization of the Love of this God. He is the only one able to free us from our hurts, regrets, addictions, and pain - and to instill in us a peace and a freedom in who He has created us to be.

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