Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our Celebration of 3.

This past Thursday was September 24th. According to the calendar, there is nothing significant about this day, but in my small world there is - Josh and I hit our three years of being "Josh and J".

The very first post for this blog was a nod to Josh and our one-year dating anniversary. As I re-read that blog I was struck with where we were then and the path we have taken till now. We are the same people, yet we are not the same. We've had our first fight...and a few to follow since then, we've cried together, laughed together, rolled our eyes at one another, and have learned to appreciate what the other appreciates. We have been through death and life, we have comforted and supported. We have gained weight and lost weight. We have exposed the side of us that we don't show to people - and yet in all that we still remain "Josh and J".

I often hear seasoned marrieds say that their love for the other person has changed, and yet deepened beyond what anyone could have imagined. I know Josh and I haven't even begun to experience that joy but I do know that I appreciate more today who he is as a person than I ever have before.

At Davey's wedding this past weekend, my cousin Stephen gave a phenomenal best man speech. One thing he shared that he has been learning in his married life is you can either give life to your spouse or take it from them. And as Josh has given me life, I too hope that he can say I have done the same for him.

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