Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stay with Me

Lots has been going on and my mind has been overloaded trying to process everything. Here's a bit:

1. I attended the Youth Specialties Convention a few months ago and heard a biblical historian, Phyllis Tickle, speak on "The Emergent Church". Now, if I understand it correctly, she said the para church is headed in a new direction; no longer will there be different denominations but "the church" will be one body. There is much more depth involved but that was the gist. She said that historically, every time there has been a change in direction in the church there have been wars within the church (the reformation, etc.). It was her opinion that we too will have a war within the church if we don't follow the leading of the Spirit in adapting to this change. 

2. For class I'm reading "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman. His basic premise is that the world will soon no longer have certain world powers. Soon, countries like India and China will have as much power as the US, Europe, etc. have, as globalization continues. The book is incredibly convincing. The power of the internet and what that has done to change the way life, business, markets, EVERTHING works, is incredible. I believe we are headed in this direction. 

3. The reaction to the passing of Prop 8 just reinforces my opinion that the Christian mindset, values, and basic beliefs are heading towards a scary minority. It is no longer "popular" to be a Christian. It is no longer "cool" to have a resounding belief in Jesus Christ and a commitment to the values and lifestyle that comes with that relationship. In fact, it is just the opposite, it is completely unpopular. We are headed into an era where it will not only be unpopular to be a Christian, but we will be persecuted for it. The word "tolerant" will someday be a word we use in defense of ourselves, as opposed to a word used against us now.

I tell you all this because I have been wrestling with this question: What is our responsibility to do something about this? My children, your children, are going to grow up in a world where traditional jobs will no longer be available, the influence of world power will be shifting among countries - even communist countries, they will be persecuted for believing in the One True God, the Trinity. I have a holy fear within my stomach, even writing this now, about the state of the world in fifteen, twenty, maybe even ten years from now. I am scared for my children and my grandchildren.

I have written before how I want to make sure when I get to the gates of heaven I can say I honestly did everything I thought I could do on earth for the glory of the Lord. I wonder now what that is? What is my responsibility in being apart of something that will create a better world for my children, that will encourage Christ in the community, that will promote the church throughout the world? My stomach is unsettled seeing the bigger picture. My mind is fraught with the unknown, and not quite knowing what my role is in that. 

I shared my concerns with Josh. He reminded me that 1. God is Sovereign. Ultimately, in our faithfulness, we will be provided for and cared for - even when times get tough. 2. As for my role, if we are faithful to His calling,  what that "responsibility" is will be revealed. It is not in us to come up with it, but instead to be obedient to whatever it is when God presents it to us. I am comforted by this. I cannot be frantic about the future. God had Moses lead sheep for 40 years. Then look at the responsibility given to him...lead the Isrealites out of Egypt!

My plea to you - have a greater understanding of the coming days. And with that prepare - strengthen your knowledge of Christ so you can use it as your shield, weapon, armor, breastplate, and sword. And seek to discipline yourself in Christ's ways. 

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