Monday, March 3, 2008


I will never forget Sunday, March 2,2008 because it was the day that Josh and I ran the Los Angeles Marathon.

A few thoughts:

1. Finishing
I couldn't believe we finished. 7 hours! During our lax training (to say the least) in the months leading up to the Marathon we had only run a total of 12 miles ONCE. the training schedule has you training to 20 miles. Needless to say our expectations for ourselves was pretty low. We did pretty well actually...we finished. :0)

2. The Strategy
We decided to run to the mile markers (every mile had a water station which had port-a-potties, gatorade, water, and certain ones had first aid stations), walk through all the congestion, and then run. It actually worked pretty well. That strategy took us to Mile 21...and then my body shut down. My knees and feet were in so much pain I think I actually shed a tear at mile 24...I didn't think I could finish. My partner didn't let me quit. We ran the last mile and crossed together.

3. The Route
The Route took us through Universal, Beverly Hills, Compton, USC, the Coliseum, East LA, and ended in Downtown. It was neat to see the city through the eyes of a runner on a closed course. The city has some areas that need cleaning and others that are beautiful...You wonder about the quality of life from people who only live two blocks in a mansion on clean streets, the other sharing an apartment with 6 other people. LA is so diverse, different, and imperfect. It's not cookie cutter like Orange County or average like the Valley. It's eclectic, filled with so many unique people and cultures and it's absolutely beautiful.

4. The People
The biggest surprise about the entire Marathon was the support from the community. The entire course was filled with random people cheering on people they didn't even know. Strangers with handmade signs that said, "Keep running! You can do it!" ...the people with water stations set up in front of their houses, the one man bands that came out to play music for you while you ran, the many bands, the praise team, the traditionally clothed Korean women clapping to the rap station set up next door, the many volunteers at the water stations, the people handing you hand cut oranges, bananas, and pretzels, and the many people who didn't even know you-encouraging and helping you along...It was unbelievable. I have never seen LA like that before and it was utterly amazing.

5. The Memories
I will never forget the "Students Run LA", the Veteran going the whole way with two American flags, the girl who, on her back, had a picture of a man and a sign that said, "For my dad", the pain, mom and blane for finding us and providing encouragement and much needed nourishment, the two older ladies from Georgia (who I met waiting for a bathroom to open up), who came for their very first marathon, and most of all Josh, for being the best encourager, running partner, high five pal at every mile, and teammate that I have ever had.

For everyone who thinks they can't run the Marathon, let me encourage you. More than half of the people there weren't in the best shape and in their 20's. The people were people...just like you and I. I would guess that half of the people walked. It's worth be in our community, and to see the love from random strangers. It gives you hope that Jesus is alive and real in Los Angeles...and that there is still an abundance of good all around.

Go For It!

The beginning...

Here we go...

We did it!!!

Thanks guys!

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