Friday, September 28, 2007


I love run-on sentences. I was proofing my paper (see below) and I noticed within a span of three sentences I had inserted 7 commas. At first I thought, "man, i really do love commas" however, being in the thoughtful mood i was in, i realized it went deeper than that. i love run-ons. The fact that you can say soo much in one sentence is completely awesome. awesome (no that's not deja vu, a blip in the system, or a grammar error - it was worth a second awesome. ...apparently now a third). so for the three people who read this blog religiously, actually maybe two, including a stalker or two, here's a shout out to whoever invented the comma, which lead to the awesome (hello #4) runon.

Go run-ons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i also think that run-ons are great...although i tend to use "..." instead of commas, or rather in conjunction with commas, so that i can get the most out of each thought and always have it relate to the thought before it...i think i would have very short sentences if i wasn't able to use the dots and that no one would understand that they are connectors so the reader can trace my train of thought...kinda like an explanation of why i wrote what i wrote.