Monday, June 11, 2012


If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this picture earlier today with the caption, "Running a little late, got stuck in the corner at church ;)". 
I haven't been to church in quite a while and I soaked up every moment. People around us must have thought we were really going through something with the amount of sniffling I had going on. Whoops! We learned about the soul and it was moving and interesting and worshipful and intellectual. John explained the difference between the will, the mind, the body, and the soul. But this is what brought it home for me. 

"You are not your career. You are not your physical appearance. You are a soul before God and he wants to heal your soul. Whatever is troubling your soul - fear, loneliness, guilt, sadness, anger, bitterness - God wants to breath life back into your soul. Put it in his hands."

Just Saturday I was frantically searching for a dress to wear to some upcoming weddings. Nothing looked good. I haven't worked out in six months and every time I looked in the mirror I was reminded of how out of shape I am. It was frustrating. Maybe if you're a girl, you kinda get me.

The big Holy Spirit pointed my compass north again. "The soul integrates your intentions and functions, so it cries out for harmony and fullness. Sin causes the disintegration of the soul. The neglected, abandoned soul goes awry. The soul reminds us we are not made for ourselves."

Fullness in Christ is so much more than a few pounds and an ill-fitting dress. So silly now, especially when there are real things people are going through. But in that moment, not so silly to silly 'ole me.

"Your soul can be right, when your world is so wrong." 

Psalm 23 ..he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.
Matthew 11 ..and you will find rest for your souls.

P.S. I found a dress right after church. God can sure be cheeky sometimes. :)

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