Thursday, November 3, 2011

Preface: If you don't love Christmas I would recommend not reading this blog until after the new year. Josh's favorite holiday is Christmas. Mine too. And it's our first one together. Therefore I can guarantee there will be more excited Christmas posts. Don't worry, I won't be hurt if you take a vacation. Enjoy your time off and let's start hanging out again next year. =) But if you love Christmas like I do, continue on! 

I kept seeing facebook posts with the new Starbucks Christmas cups and I had to go and get mine. Even though I think some of the themes are odd, I just love that all the cups are red and everywhere I look now I see red Starbucks Christmas cups. It's supposed to pour up here tonight so I'm going to save my cup and use it again later when Josh and I are curled up on the couch catching up on DVR'ed episodes of Parenthood and House. Doesn't that sound cozy and delish? I think so.

My grande nonfat vanilla latte, extra hot
P.S. Many of you were shocked by Josh's latest post. =) Some of you weren't. What you didn't know was that he edited the blogger html code so that when you clicked on a link to a footnoted footnote it would take you to the link within the same blog. He also made it so you could easily find your original place by adding a [jump] at the end of each footnote. Did you notice? All said and done it took him hours.

Go ahead, if you just skimmed his post because it was too cumbersome to read and didn't click on his links, and you're now intrigued by this code work, do yourself a favor and just scroll down and try one. Just one. Go ahead...


I was too. =) When Josh began blogging, I was hoping you would get the chance to know him better and maybe sway a little to USC Football. I don't know if what he's written has made you appreciate USC more, but I can say on somewhat of an authority, that you have definitely learned more about him and how he ticks and functions. 1-2 ain't bad. 2-2 would be better. So which is it for you?

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