Monday, November 7, 2011

The Adventures of Lewis and Clark Continued

Josh and I had the best weekend as we continued our exploration of the Bay. We decided, rain or shine, we would head to the Ferry Building in SF. Turned out to be everything the reviews said it would be. A bonus, the weather was perfect for Josh. Cool and crisp with a slight breeze. 
 But wait, we ran into Occupy SF!! That stuff is only happening on the news right? :p There were tents all over the place with people hanging out. It was hilarious. They let me go in and take all these photos. Nice people. I would say half political activists and half homeless. You know how I know that...
...because we randomly got stuck in this advertised weekly protest on our way back to the car! Seriously, I was like - "Josh we need to get out of here. Do you know what happened with the people in Occupy Oakland last weekend?" This was a calmer bunch. But we still skidaddled as quickly as possible. Of course not before some guy took our picture like we were part of the movement. Wouldn't it be funny if our picture went up somewhere with the tag line, "Throngs of supporters joined the Movement".
 Okay, sorry for the side story. Back to the Ferry Building. This is it. They converted it into an indoor food mall. All delicious. All upscale specialty food stores. In the back a wonderful farmer's market. To tell you the truth, we did everything we shouldn't have - sampled everything and bought almost nothing.
 We sampled unique cheese from the Cowgirl Creamery Artisan Cheese Shop.
 Bought coffee from SF's infamous Blue Bottle Coffee. Yes, they pour hot water over fresh coffee grinds! 
 Me with mine. I was torn between drinking it while it was hot and leaving it in its perfect state. 
 It was crowded but people were polite. We find that in general, people up here are nicer than people in LA.
 We tasted different olive oils from the Stonehouse stall. This dipping oil was Josh's favorite.
And Josh bought his lunch from here, Boccalone. After one taste of the spicy salami spread he was sold. =) 

Sunday we went to MPPC and stopped at a open house showing. We saw the sign when we were driving home and decided to take a peek. Beautiful right? As Josh would say, it was "another successful weekend".

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