Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Josh on USC: The Gap As Seen Through Twitter

Say what you want about social media, but twitter does this better than anything else:

Friday night after Utah's loss to CO which let UCLA back into the pac11's runner-up game this coming Friday as the South's representative:

During the game:

After the game:

About that runner-up game this Friday:

One more year?


1 BRO is Bruin Report Online - Scout.com's forum for bruin football. The stipulations for bowl eligibility are 6 wins and a <.500 win pct. The pac11's runner-up game this Friday pits north representative, Oregon, vs. south representative, UCLA. The bruins have already begun the process of filing a waiver for bowl eligibility. They are currently 6-6. [jump]

2 Dwight! [jump]

3 Speaking of progress, a guy by the name of Martin Luther King Jr. was born that same year. [jump]

4 It's moved up since then. Larry Scott got what he deserved. Then again, for the ex-commish of women's tennis, maybe promoting this completely irrelevant championship game is right in his wheelhouse. Now for anyone who takes offense to that, name me the last women's Wimbledon champ. [jump]

5 LSU (-10.5) vs. USC at a neutral site. [jump]

Continuing On...

Another reason why I love Wild Elliott is because of all the stories that are held in the ornaments. 
This year my mom bequeathed me with an "R" in honor of being a "relentless wife". She has a HUGE "R" in her house as a daily reminder.
You can't tell, but this ornament is 3-D! Our friends from Seattle sent one to Aimee and one to me last year. It is so beautiful, dainty, and detailed. Every time I see it I'm reminded of all the fond memories we have with this family.  
 Josh's mom gave us this one last year as a reminder of our Christmas Day engagement. It was our very first ornament. 
My mom gave us a slew of these red puppies this year. Being raised in SEC country, she appreciates school loyalty. And even though she'll never root for USC, she will always root for Josh.
This is one of my favorites. I have three of them, Noel, Joy, and Peace. They are shiny, light, and beautiful.
I know each year we will add more and more ornaments and stories to go along with them until one day our tree will look like my mom's. And just like my mom, each year when I pull out the ornaments I will tell whoever will listen the special stories behind them. 

After all this tree talk, have I convinced you to go get yours yet?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Meet Wild Elliott

I was excited to see people buying their Christmas trees this past weekend. Truth is, Josh and I jumped the gun and went the weekend before Thanksgiving. You could say that it's because we both love Christmas so much but the real answer was practical. We won't be up in the Bay area for another weekend until right before Christmas...and I couldn't wait until then. 

Since we are so close to Los Gatos, we decided to brave the outdoors and attempt to find and cut down our own tree. I mean, how many times do you get to do that? After looking on Yelp I realized there were lots of tree farms up here but we settled on the Four Winds Christmas Tree Farm. I was drawn to this one because it wasn't planted in rows like other farms. It was 60 acres of hills and forest and plenty of trees. Seemed more authentic for some reason. 

 Because we went so early the farm wasn't actually open yet. But when I called, the owner said to just come on up anyway and if he wasn't around to leave the money in this box on the way out. Say what??? He trusted us to just come up and leave money??! It really is a whole new world up here. 
See what I mean about authentic? It was beautiful.
Truth is I didn't realize it would be so hard to find a tree. They are not the shaved and perfectly groomed trees I was used to from Home Depot. Josh wanted this one on the right... haha, I used my veto power on that one. 
 But there were all kinds.
We ran into the owner and he gave us a bit of a Christmas tree education - types, ages, etc. He also taught us that you measure from the top down because you can cut a tree at any height. Leaving room on the bottom helps the tree to re-grow. Here is Josh sawing down the one we chose. 

He's laughing because sawing it down was more difficult than we expected. 
Usually they have people doing this for you but because they weren't open yet we were on our own.  Good thing I had this guy all that for manual labor. :p
 Before the unveiling.

And the final result...

His name is Wild Elliott because he was born in the wild, raised in the wild, and IS wild. I mean, look at all those branches sticking out and the gaps! He's even lopsided to the point that I can't cover it up. But despite all his imperfections I love him. I love him because he is who he is and unapologetic about it. And I also love him because he was our very first tree. Welcome to the family Wild Elliott. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Two years ago this was me with my family before heading to the USC v UCLA game at the Coliseum. 
This was me two years later - at today's rivalry game.
Some of you may scoff at my change in allegiance. But to tell you the truth, I don't feel guilty. I didn't go to UCLA, my sister did. I rooted for UCLA because my dad did. And by "rooted" I mean I couldn't name any of the players, tell you their AP standing, or recite their record. 

Besides it's hard not to root for a team that has this guy on it's side.
Because of this die hard fan, I know more about USC football than I ever did about football in general. Not only am I familiar with the players, but I've also learned about the game, what Kiffin's go-to plays are, who the other coaches are, what recruits are being offered scholarships, and the historical significance of the Trojan football program.

If there's one thing people know about Josh it's that he is quietly persistent in a way that isn't quite naggy but incredibly convincing. He just wears you down. =) And besides, you can't be married to this man and not root for his team. He's not a normal fan - he's a real fan. 
I was excited tonight when USC dominated UCLA not only because it made Josh happy but because I've grown attached to the program. Yes, I'm one of those wives who roots for her husband's team, and proud of it. Go Trojans.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The One I Forgot

Currently cozied up with Melissa on Aimee and Blane's couch. Tonight they got their first tree and we were here as they set up the garland and their first stockings. Aimee is a great decorator and their living room looks amazing.

I can't help but feel blessed being home this weekend. On Thursday Josh and I went over to my Auntie Ruth's in the afternoon and in the evening we headed over to Josh's parent's house for number two. I know we are so spoiled having two places to celebrate.

At Auntie Ruth's we did our annual "what are you thankful for" sharing time before we ate. Each person gets a corn kernel and you share you put your kernel in a cup and pass it to the next. I always get teary eyed hearing what people have to say. This year there were three standouts:

1. Cousin Stephen (Regan's dad) - He's a newbie father and you can guess at what he would be thankful for. Still, incredibly moving.

2. Uncle Mark (Auntie Ruth's husband) - He's private and not publicly affectionate but he talked about his appreciation for his wife. Brought tears to my eyes.

3. Cousin Noah (the youngest member of our family...until now. :p) - There wasn't one thing he said that stood out to me but while he was talking I saw a maturer more spiritually sound man. I was so proud of him. I am privileged to be able to watch him make his way through different stages of life and to see how he's grown in the Lord. Really amazing.

My sharing was all over the place. I think that's because it's been such a year of thanks that I can't land on just one thing. There was one thing I didn't share that I should have. I am thankful for our parents. My parents and inlaws went above and beyond for us. They helped with every aspect of the wedding. They take care of us when we come home. They moved us and visit us. They feed us and listen to us. They keep tabs on us and don't every make us feel like an inconvenience when we totally are.  I just am blessed with the best parents and inlaws a girl could ask for. You know, you never tell your parents thanks when you're young even though you say it your mind. Well, mom and dad and mom and dad - I know it's not enough but thanks. Thanks for everything.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Now go get your tree!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hello Baby

Made some sugar cookies in honor of my first meeting with baby Regan. =) 

The annual Family Thanks Thanksgiving Recap coming up!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Look! This site turns your Instagrams into magnets! Such a cute idea. 
I'm especially excited to head home because I finally get to meet my cousins brand new baby girl. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be safe out there!

P.S. We got our tree! Tell ya about it sometime this weekend. =)

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Mini Blessing

Last week I found these two thanksgiving cards in my stash. Aren't they cute? I think I bought them on sale years ago and forgot all about them. I've been praying all day that Jesus would bring someone to mind that may need some encouragement. Just now one person came to me and another person to Josh. We stopped and prayed for them. I can't wait for them to reach their destinations!

Out of the hundreds of cards I've written this year, from wedding thank you's to birthday thank you's, to just because's, weddings, babies,  and birthday's, these two, by far, are my favorite. Praying the Spirit would encourage the Body! 

A Ride on the Perspectives Train

Josh and I snoozed too long yesterday and had to hustle it to church. So glad we did. 
One reason I'm glad we made it was because I would have missed the army that gradually appeared during the sermon.
The General talking to his men.
Also glad we made it because John Ortberg was closing out a series on pain and suffering. To do that he flew in Dallas Willard to interview him. Dallas is a brilliant mind and a follower of Christ. You may know his books. I think the most well known being "The Divine Conspiracy","The Great Omission", and "The Spirit of the Disciplines". He is, in my opinion, one of the great minds of Christianity today. John is an exceptional moderator/interviewer. He is witty yet poignant, rolls through transitions like you wouldn't even notice, and knows when to push and when to let go. He makes Dallas understandable to us common folk. Sometimes I see hints of my friend Kevin in John.

(Sorry for the bad quality pictures. I was trying to take photos on the sly. Probably not so sly tho. :p) 
To close out the morning John asked Dallas if there was one thing he wanted to say that he hadn't. One thing he wanted to leave us with. His response resonated in my heart.

"Make sure you pay attention to Jesus...that will lead you into a deeper hunger of God. If you leave him out, life will never appear whole before you. What the heart hungers for, what people deeply wish to become as a person is all bound up in him and thinking of him."

That stayed with me. "Make sure you pay attention to Jesus." I haven't left him out but I haven't really been focusing on him either. It's like when you're in lecture and you're texting and on facebook at the same time. You hear pieces of what the professor is saying but you're not getting all of it. This explains me. God is always there but maybe being a wife has claimed more of my attention that Jesus has. 

John asked Dallas what was the most important question we can ask. Dallas answered, "The most important question you can ask yourself is, "who are you becoming?"" I really thought about who I have been becoming. Maybe a bit of a better cook, a diligent house keeper, clothes washer, a better wife, a bargain hunter... But Dallas meant it in the deeper, philosophical way. Is who I am becoming, based on my everyday, draw me closer to the image of Christ? It struck me that all those things that I strive for aren't important to Jesus. I don't get another jewel in my crown for perfecting that cheesecake. I get another jewel for learning how to serve others, how to love those around me, for being less selfish and more giving. 

I am so glad we made it to church. I feel like I've been straightened out again after a ride on the perspectives train. This week as we begin the holiday season I hope that, like me, you too will be encouraged to "pay attention to Jesus" and remember to continually ask yourself, "who am I becoming?".