Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"We've Had Lift-Off"

I'm so excited. Last night Josh and I attended our first bible study with MPPC. A few weeks ago we happened to catch the second half of Pastor John Ortberg's message on the vision of the church. At the end he talked about these Launch groups that are beginning to help newcomers connect. They are short term classes that happen once a week to essentially make a big church smaller.

I didn't jump all over that because I wanted to see what Josh thought. As we were walking out he asked if we should go over to the booth and see if there was something for us. Inside I was so stoked but I totally played it cool. :p There were different groups but we had to pick something mid-week since we're not up here that many weekends. We ended up signing up for "Early Church: Journey and Letters" on Monday night. After we put pen to paper I teared up. So much for the cool factor.

Last night we had a HUGE historical lesson in order to help us understand the readings better. I learned more in one night that I have in the past 5 years. It was soo much information that it was a little overwhelming for this note-taker. I actually zoned out about 3/4ths of the way through for about 5 minutes because it was so much information! After catching up on the News Feed and the current events from CNN I tuned back in. Josh said I am incredibly distracting to sit next to. =) ooops. I hope my neighbor Alice didn't feel the same way. :/ ha.

On the way home Josh and I talked all about the class. It was intellectually stimulating for him and contextual for me. It left us with a lot of questions and a bit of hesitant excitement about the next 8 weeks.

After being up here for 4 months, we have finally begun to get involved. People, we've had lift-off. =)

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