Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ramblings Two Weeks Out

In two weeks Josh and I will be married. 

Small things keep reminding me that it's happening sooner rather than later. People at church kept saying "2 more weeks!" and I realized it was my last Sunday at Venice. I bought boxes and have begun to pack. We picked up my dress and now it's hanging in my room. We emailed our rehearsal dinner invites. Josh's dad bought his suit. My mom is just about done preparing her house for family flying in. I dropped Josh off at the airport and realized the next time I see him we'll be getting married. 

I thought in changing my last name I would struggle with losing this identity I felt I'm built into. I am honored to be in this family. But really, I haven't had an issue with it. =) Although I'm nostalgic, I'm not dwelling on it. I'm looking forward to taking Josh's name because my life with him officially begins. Even though I can't wait to be with him, my struggle is more that it's happening too fast. Something in me wants to come to a screeching halt. My heart is yelling "cherish each moment!" but the days just keep on moving on. 

It's not so much the marriage but the move that consumes my thoughts. Truth? I will miss Aimee the most. I feel like we are twins in some sense. I can just feel her to the core of my being. I wish I could pack her up and take her with me wherever I go. Then I could be sure that she is doing just fine and that I am with the two people I love the most in this world. Selfish, right? But that is not meant to be in this season. The Lord is giving us some time to live daily life without each other. I must leave her to Him*. And we must abide in Him. 

In Him. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. She can do all things through Him

I'm a firm believer that God uses life to mold us into a person who is more Christ-like . But it is up to us to decide if we will let Him. What is a change if we are the same person as when we began? 

Tomorrow is Seating Chart Monday. =) Melissa once told me about a wedding she went to where the bride and groom purposefully mixed people up with people they didn't know so they would get to know one another. Awkward! For the socially inept (like myself) that would have been a nightmare. Hopefully everyone feels happy at ours. Post-it's here we come!

*Well, until there are babies. Then there's nothing that could keep me from that!

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