Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Not Your Typical Girl

I was visiting one of our Bay Area churches this weekend so I flew up a day earlier to hang out with Josh and his grandparents. We decided to drive in to the city and see about that registry stuff. I'm not sure why I thought the task would be such a breeze - I don't really like to shop anyway. Crate and Barrel greeted us with two of these silverware thingys. Josh left me to go to the restroom and I don't think I moved till he returned. 


Macy's is 8 levels. 8. The registry lady handed us the gun and said, "Have fun on all 8 floors!"
 I looked at Josh and he laughed at me. He knew I had just walked into my worst nightmare. :) You can't tell from this picture, but that far back wall showcased the 50+ sets of fine china to choose from. Mercy!

Williams Sonoma was our favorite find. The knife guy alone spent at least 20 minutes with us, explaining the difference between the Japanese knives and the German ones. (If you need to know Japanese are finer, more precise and yet delicate. The German more durable and sturdy. Fitting descriptions, no?) We tested some and laughed at ourselves for taking it so seriously. 

 But in the end the day trip was great because I got to spend it with this guy...


... in this place. 

Someone recently told me that planning a wedding is a great test of your compatibility. I guess in some ways you can see how you'll deal with stress together, how you make decisions, how to budget, yadi yadi. But if that's true, and not just an old wives tale then I feel very fortunate. Josh just makes doing things very easy. He's calm, thorough, practical, willingly involved, happy, and smart. I don't have to worry about the budget or reading all the words on contracts. I can narrow down the options and he can pick the Hamstead or the Alpico. He knows when we need to take a break and when to push me. He just knows. How does he always know? It makes the arduous task of shopping not so so terrible, just a little bit terrible.

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