Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oprah Style...On A Slightly Different Budget

The highly touted, much anticipated, often speculated, and much adorned post of all posts...insert drum roll here... JJ's Favorite Things!

Care to go riding? Why, yes I would love to dah-ling.

A personalized gift for that one (or few) junkies in your life.

One day I will be able to afford these beauties.

I wouldn't complain a bit with this or this.

Not for the faint of heart, but worth the evening in.

Give me one of these to wrap myself up in while napping on this. yum!

Gamer + Puzzle Lover = Nobrainer

Oh goodness oh goodness gracious goodness of all things good!

On a cold and rainy night?

I can just see it sparkling away. Purtee.

For economical purposes I should probably have put this first.

And to top it off, a girl can always dream of getting a chance to be here.

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