Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Wild Card

Every year at our family Thanksgiving, before we dive into the yummy food, each person shares one thing that they are thankful for. This is my second* favorite tradition of the holiday's. Mom usually says something about how she doesn't know why she's so emotional. Auntie Ruth is always thankful for something about Noah. Grandpa always mentions health, God's grace and provence. But there's always a wild card. Last year it was cousin Stephen. This year it was Aimee - who wore her true feelings about my BIL on her sleeve - free for everyone to see! Good for her. Happy [belated] Thanksgiving everyone! 

*The first is Christmas morning at home, just dad mom Aimee and I. In our pj's in front of the tree with all the unopened presents - and dad reads the Christmas story out of Luke and then we pray together. Just thinking about it makes me so excited.

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