Thursday, November 5, 2009

The End of the Beginning.

Tuesday night was officially my last class as a graduate student at APU.

I didn't actually realize it until someone in the class mentioned it. It seemed so fitting that my last class was with my favorite teacher in the whole program, Frances. We celebrated the end of a tough quarter with dinner, dessert, presentations, evaluations, and  few words of congratulations and best wishes to those of us who are graduating in the fall.

I feel like the beginning wasn't so long ago. I still don't know where anything is on campus - or how to get an I.D. card, or where all the restrooms are. I've never attended a chapel, or been in all the buildings (in fact I can count on one hand the number of buildings I have been in). I feel like I am still learning and still in the process of discovering all the information out there. I do feel like I've learned more about me - and have a greater understanding of what I can offer to others. I have a peace. I feel secure in where I am and where I am headed. I cannot say that was the case three years ago. Three years ago I felt God call me to change my course in life, and now the beginning of that change is coming to a close.

People have asked me what I will do after I graduate - and I have nothing huge to say except I will continue what I'm doing and where I'm working. I still feel God has blessed me with the chance to work with Gary and for the conference. Where I'll end up...I really have no idea.

I can say that I feel so blessed to have been given the chance to go back to school. I am forever grateful to my parents who allowed me to move home, Randy for giving me a job, Josh for driving with me to school the first two weeks - and for editing all my papers, Melis for brainstorming ideas with me, Gary for the intellectual support, and the government for lending me so much money at such a low interest.

Looking forward to whatever comes next.

My teacher, Frances, is the small Chinese lady in the middle - and this is my class. Quite a load of characters I can say that. :)


Aimee said...

You forgot your one and only, who went to your very first class on campus with you!

Hahahaha. Don't call me Mom. ;)

I'm so proud of you!

Aimee said...

Oh-and did I mention that I can't wait to see where God leads you next? :)


(*cue card)

Hahahaha. Love ya!