Thursday, November 29, 2007


I wish i had time to REALLY go into detail but I'm so behind in school I can't. Here's a taste of the trip in picture form. God was amazing. I feel so blessed I was able to be apart of it. Between Aimee and I we had 1200 photos. The following is just a nibble. Enjoy!

The first village we visited we went to an elementary school to share the gospel. The kids saw us and all lined up, excited to see what the "foreigners" were here for. :p That day about 50 kids or so accepted Christ. Maybe even some of these precious boys here...

Our 5 Star accommodations for our overnight stay in the Hilltribe Village. Yes, those are mosquitos nets, yes, those are open windows, and yes, that is the ground. :) It was such a memorable experience that I wouldn't have traded that memory for anything.

In the village on Sunday mornings, there's an early prayer service before the real church service. Here are some children heading back home until church starts in a few minutes. It was a cold, beautiful morning. Mist and fog covered the mountains and a sense of peace rested on the place.

Some of the kids sang a song for us. This little boy carried the melody for the entire group! He was amazing! They are dressed up for service, wearing traditional clothing.

We also got to ride elephants! Here is Aimee and Cori on top of Poo Kau, a 37 year old male elephant. It was scary! :) It was a blessing to hang out with the Tang kids. They are amazing and I love each one for their special gifts and tender hearts.

More to come later. I've got to go back to work. Love, J

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